6 AM, May 20, 2007. Zeus Hospitals, CHENNAI.
It had started drizzling when Dr. Rajaraman entered his favorite zone in the hospital complex. He felt blissfully pleasant, as a chill wind started blowing along with the drizzle.
He was the only doctor who attended to patients in that part of the hospital. His patients were mostly accident victims or Children-Abandoned old people. None of his patients pay him any fees. And he never seemed to mind that.
“Good Morning Doctor”, Raghavan grunted, as Dr. Rajaraman shut the door behind him.
“Good Morning Mr. Raghavan, how’s ur Diabetes?”
“Its still there… It’s the only thing I’ve successfully passed on to my future generation. But it can inflict no effect on me anymore…“, Raghavan said in a serene mood.
“Anyways, don’t forget that your son is coming here to take u home… And you surely ought to give me a treat for that sir.”
“Sure doc… even the other guys in here are pestering me for a treat. That kid Sandeep over there wants me to get him a large cheese burst pizza and a bottle of Smirnoff. Poor thing”
“Yeah… gotta see him next… See you in the evening Mr. Raghavan.”
Sandeep was examining the clot and the sutures on his forehead and neck, and did not notice Dr. Rajaraman nearing him.
“Hey kid, how’s ur head?”
“Hi doc… yeah… my head… it doesn’t hurt anymore… but looks pretty odd. Aren’t u trained in plastic surgery?” Sandeep asked scornfully.
“None of my patients had ever worried about their looks. May be I’ll have to learn a trick or two from those cosmetologists for kids like u.”
“You surely have to. Hey doc, what happened to my pulsar? It was a brand new bike dude… F*#% that lorry driver… I could have touched a 120kph if it wasn’t for that b*#!@#d. You know my girlfriends in the college just fall for the sight of me zipping past the college with my coolers and waving hairstyle. I got to get back to them ASAP yar. When’s my dad coming to pick me up?” The doctor could feel the restlessness of the teenager.
He walked away smilingly to the next bed. There was Seshagopalan, sleeping soundly. Seshagopalan was a 23 year old chartered accountant, working for a Big 4 Audit Firm. He had just suffered a massive heart attack. Dr. Rajaraman felt bad for the first time. He did not want to wake him up. ‘Let him sleep, he wouldn’t be here if he had slept his share of sleep everyday’, he thought.
He walked across the ward having a small talk with every other of his patients.
When he came out of the ward, it had stopped drizzling. The sun was back to form like an Australian cricketer in a World Cup match.
As he was about to leave the place his mobile phone buzzed. It was Steffi, the hospital receptionist on the other side.
“Good Morning Doctor. I have given a call to Seshagopalan’s father. He’s coming immediately.”
“Good Morning. Good job Steffi. What happened to the others?”
“Mr. Raghavan’s son is coming this evening…One moment doctor…”
She continued after a moment of silence “Doctor, Sandeep’s father has arrived.”
“Yes, his son is ready to go with him.” He said calmly.
He put the mobile phone in his pocket and started walking towards the main block.
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It had started drizzling when Dr. Rajaraman entered his favorite zone in the hospital complex. He felt blissfully pleasant, as a chill wind started blowing along with the drizzle.
He was the only doctor who attended to patients in that part of the hospital. His patients were mostly accident victims or Children-Abandoned old people. None of his patients pay him any fees. And he never seemed to mind that.
“Good Morning Doctor”, Raghavan grunted, as Dr. Rajaraman shut the door behind him.
“Good Morning Mr. Raghavan, how’s ur Diabetes?”
“Its still there… It’s the only thing I’ve successfully passed on to my future generation. But it can inflict no effect on me anymore…“, Raghavan said in a serene mood.
“Anyways, don’t forget that your son is coming here to take u home… And you surely ought to give me a treat for that sir.”
“Sure doc… even the other guys in here are pestering me for a treat. That kid Sandeep over there wants me to get him a large cheese burst pizza and a bottle of Smirnoff. Poor thing”
“Yeah… gotta see him next… See you in the evening Mr. Raghavan.”
Sandeep was examining the clot and the sutures on his forehead and neck, and did not notice Dr. Rajaraman nearing him.
“Hey kid, how’s ur head?”
“Hi doc… yeah… my head… it doesn’t hurt anymore… but looks pretty odd. Aren’t u trained in plastic surgery?” Sandeep asked scornfully.
“None of my patients had ever worried about their looks. May be I’ll have to learn a trick or two from those cosmetologists for kids like u.”
“You surely have to. Hey doc, what happened to my pulsar? It was a brand new bike dude… F*#% that lorry driver… I could have touched a 120kph if it wasn’t for that b*#!@#d. You know my girlfriends in the college just fall for the sight of me zipping past the college with my coolers and waving hairstyle. I got to get back to them ASAP yar. When’s my dad coming to pick me up?” The doctor could feel the restlessness of the teenager.
He walked away smilingly to the next bed. There was Seshagopalan, sleeping soundly. Seshagopalan was a 23 year old chartered accountant, working for a Big 4 Audit Firm. He had just suffered a massive heart attack. Dr. Rajaraman felt bad for the first time. He did not want to wake him up. ‘Let him sleep, he wouldn’t be here if he had slept his share of sleep everyday’, he thought.
He walked across the ward having a small talk with every other of his patients.
When he came out of the ward, it had stopped drizzling. The sun was back to form like an Australian cricketer in a World Cup match.
As he was about to leave the place his mobile phone buzzed. It was Steffi, the hospital receptionist on the other side.
“Good Morning Doctor. I have given a call to Seshagopalan’s father. He’s coming immediately.”
“Good Morning. Good job Steffi. What happened to the others?”
“Mr. Raghavan’s son is coming this evening…One moment doctor…”
She continued after a moment of silence “Doctor, Sandeep’s father has arrived.”
“Yes, his son is ready to go with him.” He said calmly.
He put the mobile phone in his pocket and started walking towards the main block.
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Then comeback and read the story again carefully. Can u feel the difference?